For me dove hunting marks the start of hunting season, which is one of the things I spend a lot of time planning for, thinking about, obsessing over, preparing for and just flat enjoy. Deer hunting is probably my favorite kind of hunting and what I spend the most time on, but dove hunting is a time you can get together with family and friends and spend time in the outdoors. You really don’t even have to have that much gear – a good shotgun, some shells, some camo and a bird vest, and you’re ready. You can even borrow a shotgun if you need to. And it is hands down the best way to get kids excited about hunting. You don’t have to be really quiet. Movement can be important, but it won’t mess up an entire hunt, and there is usually some really good action. Shooting at and killing dove are two very different things. Dove like to dart and fly fast, and can be really challenging. My advice is to take as many shells as you can and shoot a lot. Patti and I had the opportunity to hunt with Angel and Wade Middleton on opening morning. It was a great time and a we all got our limits. If you’ve never tried it, dove is delicious (and Angel has some great recipes!). What a great sport and family activity. I hope you all get a chance to get out in the field in the next few weeks!