I have already blogged once on turkey hunting, but after the season I felt I had to do it again. What a season. I had the opportunity to kill three different birds in all parts of Texas – south, central, and north. The season just went on and on. I don’t know that I have ever had as much fun as I had chasing those turkey. After a trip to Cabela’s to get all the gear I would need and learning how to call from Wade and Will, I realized how challenging turkey hunting could be! The real key to learning how to successfully call and hunt turkey is having many many opportunities. And believe me, trying to get a bird on TV, gave me many opportunities. In fact, I failed many times. But each one of those failures taught me something and gave me another opportunity to practice calling in a different situation. I called birds that were really hot down to birds that came in silence. If you haven’t hunted this way believe me when I say you have to try it. If you’re not a turkey hunter, you should be get out there and call in a big Tom next season. There’s nothing like it!