My whole life I’ve heard my mother, my wife and now my daughters talk about going shopping – how they like to wander from shop to shop – lingering, dreaming about the different items on the shelves, trying stuff on and more often than not – buying! I could not have imagined a more horrible pastime!
However, it has been brought to my attention recently that it’s possible that I too might have somewhat of a shopping obsession. And I guess I do. The difference is that my kind of shopping is completely worthwhile and even necessary. It is not at a quaint downtown square or a big mall. No. You guessed it. It’s at Cabela’s! Now there is a store worth lingering in, worth dreaming about the items on the shelves, worth trying things on in, and most importantly, worth buying something from! It is the one store on earth that has everything you need – fishing gear, hunting necessities, guns, bows, camping gear, marine applications and the list goes. I have to admit that more often than not, I’m the one talking about shopping now – worthwhile shopping!